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Gemstones offer many healing and spiritual powers, so it's not hard to see why they've risen in popularity in recent years. If you're interested in crystals and what they represent, or simply love to wear bold jewellery, then you should know about amethyst. As one of the most popular crystals, amethyst would make a great addition to your collection. Read on for our extensive guide to amethyst below.

What Does An Amethyst Birthstone Symbolise?

If your birthday is in February, you are fortunate enough to have amethyst as your birthstone. It's also the power stone of the star sign Aquarius (those born between January 20th and February 18th). Amethyst typically symbolises strength and offers many healing powers.

Historically, the amethyst birthstone was reserved for royalty. The Greeks believed that its name derived from the Greek word “amethystos”, which translates to “not drunk”. As such, amethyst was seen as a symbol of clarity and clear thinking.

Amethyst was also thought to keep people clear-headed and quick-witted in battles and business affairs. In Renaissance England, however, this sense of clarity was believed to translate into relationships - amethyst was a calming presence for lovers overrun with passion. According to Christian lore, it also had healing powers, with some suggesting it was used to heal the wounds of Jesus.

There are numerous gemstones that an Aquarius would benefit from given their loving, independent nature. Of course, the most effective is the amethyst. However, there are many more you may wish to incorporate into your collection, including garnet, jasper, agate, sugilite and turquoise.

What Does An Amethyst Birthstone Say About You?

As amethyst is a beautiful gemstone that offers spirit protection, wisdom and love to whoever is wearing it, we can assume that having amethyst as a birthstone has some positive connotations. Not only does the amethyst birthstone provide benefits such as wellness, clarity and strength - which can impact numerous parts of your life, such as your relationships, your career and your passions - but it can also say a lot about you.

If your birthstone is amethyst, we can infer that you are gentle, kind and intelligent. People with the amethyst birthstone are often highly spiritual too.

How To Tell If Amethyst Is Real

The best way to tell if amethyst is real or not is by looking at its imperfections. Despite common belief, gemstones should not be perfect; you should see inclusions and surface cavities. Some imperfections that suggest that your amethyst is real are:

Colour zoning – the gem should not be one colour throughout and instead should have variations. Upon closer examination, you should see some tones of blue and white amongst the purple.

Inclusions - real amethysts will usually have inclusions in the form of tiny crystals, needles or bubbles.

Wear and tear – natural amethysts will usually have some minor imperfections such as minor chips or rough edges.

Tips For Buying Amethyst Jewellery

Although colour zoning appears in real amethyst, it can be hidden, and when gemstones are manufactured into jewellery, you shouldn't really be able to see any imperfections. That’s why, when you buy a piece of amethyst jewellery, you want to check the colour zoning to ensure everything is equal.

If there are any disparities in the colour saturation of the gemstone, this can lessen its appeal and decrease the value of the stone, so it’s best to avoid this where you can. When the amethyst is cut for jewellery, it should have been manufactured to be eye-clean, meaning there are no issues that are visible to the human eye.

How To Look After Your Amethyst

There are a few things to be mindful of when it comes to caring for your amethyst gemstones or jewellery, including:


An important factor when it comes to caring for amethyst is temperature. An abrupt temperature change can cause these gems to fracture, so it’s best to keep them stored in a room where the temperature is consistent. We also advise keeping them out of direct sunlight as the colour can fade with intense and prolonged exposure to the sun.

It’s also wise to keep amethysts away from chemicals such as hydrofluoric acid, ammonium fluoride and alkaline solutions as these can damage the stone.


You can clean your amethyst with warm, soapy water. We do not recommend steam cleaners or exposing the amethyst to extreme heat. While ultrasonic cleaners have become popular, there have been occasions where these have caused colour changes and fractures in amethyst gemstones, so we'd advise avoiding these as well.

Why Choose Amethyst Jewellery?

Amethyst makes a great statement piece. Not only will its gorgeous hues of purple and dreamy cuts enhance any outfit with a highlighted, glistening touch of colour, but it also has beautiful meanings behind it that you can carry with you. Providing strength, power and courage as well as offering a calming presence, amethyst is the perfect gemstone for special occasions as well as spiritual protection.


Is Amethyst The Rarest Birthstone?

Amethyst was considered one of the rarest gems until large deposits were discovered in Brazil. Today, diamond is the rarest birthstone.

Is Amethyst A Good Engagement Ring?

Yes, it's an excellent choice for an engagement ring. This is because it has a Mohs hardness score of 7, making it extremely difficult to scratch.

What Personality Is Amethyst?

Serenity and peace - it's said to bring balance to the lives of those who wear it. If your birthstone is amethyst, you're believed to be multi-talented, courageous and honest.

What Chakra Is Amethyst?

The crown or “bliss” chakra.

Does Amethyst Fade In The Sun?

Yes, intense exposure to sunlight will cause the colour to fade. Day-to-day wear should be fine as long as it's not kept in direct light for a long period.

Which Finger Do You Wear An Amethyst Ring On?

The middle finger of your right hand.

Can You Wear An Amethyst Ring Every Day?

Yes, they can be worn every day.

Do Amethysts Have Any Proven Healing Properties?

They are rumoured to have mental and physical healing powers, however, nothing has been scientifically proven.

Want to learn more about birthstone meanings? Check out our birthstone guides by month: