The diamond trilogy ring is a three-stone ring usually made of purely diamonds set next to each other, or two diamonds featuring a center gemstone. The center stone of a diamond trilogy ring may be slightly larger or higher than the two supporting stones; signifying the importance of the present. A trilogy ring may feature diamonds, one gemstone, a combination of stones, or other precious stones.
Trilogy rings are unique in their purpose. Diamond trilogy rings are suitable for several occasions as they can be used as an engagement ring, wedding band, promise ring, and friendship ring. They can as well be given as a gift for several occasions ranging from Valentines, anniversaries, Christmas, birthdays, or any gift to show your affection towards your loved one.
There are, however, two different trilogy rings. One with three stones all having the same size and the other with a center stone that is bigger. People use the second trilogy ring with a bigger center stone for proposals and another one for different purposes. Most times, the stone of a trilogy ring may be made of gemstone to signify a deeper feeling or emotion (sapphire for truth and peace, emerald for faithfulness, and ruby for passion).
A trilogy ring represents the arrangement of three (3) stones set along with the band and sitting right next to each other.
Centre Big: This design is where the stone at the centre is larger than the two adjacent stones on the shank. This is the most popular variation of Trilogy diamond rings. The theme of this usually follows the meaning of past, present, and future. The largest stone placed in the centre depicts the present and the fact that it’s bigger than the other stones mean the present is the most important time.
Equal Size: There are also designs where the 3 stones on the ring are all the same size. The three (3) stones may symbolize different things, for instance; your adoration of your spouse or/and children, a strong bond of family, love, or something else.
Past, Present and Future
The most common theme most Trilogy rings follow is the idea of the past, present, future. In this context, the three stones represent the important periods of your life. The center stone is always the biggest in this pattern, representing the present - the most important time of our lives.
Love, devotion, and friendship.
Another popular theme is love, devotion, and friendship. The three stones placed on the band represent the three significant relations that you have in your life. This theme serves to ground the wearers, giving them a constant reminder of the three most important relations in life.
Trilogy rings could also depict a small-sized family. The spouse and two children are represented by the three encrusted stones. Sometimes it can stand for the parents and their only child, or when there are three children a stone can stand for each. The theme is versatile and can, of course, represent any number of things.
Love, Honour, and Cherish.
These three words denote faithfulness to a lot of people. When you speak your vows, you promise to love, cherish and honour your partner. A Trilogy ring serves as a reminder of those vows and a sincere dedication to living by them. This is a major reason why Trilogy rings are often stacked together with wedding bands.
Is A Trilogy Ring Popular as An Engagement Ring?
The three-stone ring is an ever-popular choice for the style of an engagement ring. Apart from their beautiful design, Trilogy rings are rich with symbolic interpretations.
How Should You Clean Three Stone Rings?
A diamond will lose its sparkle when worn every day. For example, lotion, hairspray, body-spray, or makeup will infiltrate the ring and make it dirty. Fortunately, the diamond’s sparkle can be restored by using simple home cleaning methods.
A good way to clean a diamond ring at home is to soak the ring into a solution of warm water and dishwashing soap for about twenty-five to forty minutes and then use a very soft toothbrush to brush the diamond carefully. Then gently rinse under running warm water, and repeat if needed.
You could also use other cleansers like body wash or shampoo. The only thing to avoid is anything that also contains moisturizer. Moisturizing products leave an unwanted film on the surface of your ring. Also, avoid paper towels when drying the ring as it might actually scratch the metal. Instead, let it air dry or if you must, use a soft cloth made of cotton.
Is a trilogy ring an engagement ring?
The answer depends on your choice/type of engagement ring. However, the answer is yes! Regardless of what ring you choose (size, style, and material), trilogy rings can be considered and used as engagement rings. A trilogy ring is symbolic of your relationship’s past, present, and future, which is why it’s a romantic engagement ring, as it can be often given as an engagement ring during the proposal.
Trilogy rings peaked into popularity as an engagement rings after Prince Harry proposed to Meghan Markle with a trilogy design featuring an elongated cushion cut center diamond sourced in Botswana, and two round diamonds from his mother’s personal collection flanked on either side. As long the engagement ring you choose symbolizes your commitment and love to your significant other during your proposal, and you know he/she will love the ring, a diamond trilogy ring can be an engagement ring.
For a custom engagement ring, a trilogy is flexible as it works well with different colored gemstones, metals, and shapes; and the center stone of the trilogy ring will be larger than the flanking stones, signifying the importance of the present and eternal love. The size of the flanking stones can also be cut to one-third of the size of the center stone or can be increased or decreased to accentuate the prominence of the center stone and give a fuller coverage of the finger, making a beautiful engagement ring. The best thing about the trilogy rings as engagement ring is that they remain more traditional and classic.